SPIRIT LINK 2025 Light of Love
Goa.dark psy trance team…ex神舞終幕から17年…新たにSPIRIT LINK として再始動。3回目となるSPIRIT LINK 。コンセプトを、愛の光を…として、高次元の光をfloor全体に降り注ぐ、愛と平和のEnergieが溢れるだす古代レムリアを創造して音楽とダンスと高次元の光で創造空間を演出します。最高峰の光の戦士達と協働して創り上げる。 Entertainment ShowとしてSPIRIT LINK festival …来年第三章の始まりです。
psychedelic tranceとtechno を、one floorで1つのstoryとする。その空間をdancerやaudienceと共に創作する、four beat music Entertainment show。 再始動し新たにYouTubeや 動画などで映画を創造していく。また、SPIRIT LINK 、LOGOのブランド化にも現在注力中。 オリジナルTシャツも枚数限定販売予定。
今回もHOME である地元川崎で開催! 3回目の今回はClub開催。しかも今回は2floorにて開催。どちらもmainf loorとする。1FのClub CITTAと2FのClub atticを行き来自由! 再始動した思い出の場所… 日本屈指の大箱… psychedelic tranceの聖地… technoやhouse sceneを根付かせ… @CLUB CITTA川崎にて開催決定!!!
今回、日本初来日の海外artistのDoctor Vagator がフランスはパリから初参戦!長年24年間Goaに在住。本物のGoa tranceを体感して下さい。また、世界飛び回るあのRINKA DINKが遂に参戦!full onからACIDまでpsychedelic trance界をリーディングする音を是非。また、国内からは日本のpsy tranceを長年牽引し、日本を代表するTSUYOSHI SUZUKIが満を持して2回目の参戦!彼の魂が入るplay Styleは圧巻。圧倒的な音数の多さなど、CITTAで今回もaudienceを魅了します。更に自身もオーガナイズを務める女性最高峰のGoaの女王…TOMOCOMOが初参戦!twisted、ACIDなども感じさせる彼女のplayはaudienceを魅了します。要Check! また、ドイツのレーベルalice D Recordに所属し海外を中心にDJ出演楽曲制作をしpsycoreや High techなど幅広くplayするI.P.Uも二度目の参戦! 若手DJからはRave.Club sceneで勢いがあり、真摯な心を持つDJ E.L.Eを起用。人間性を買われ世代をLINKするDJは必見! trance artistだけ見てもヤバイ豪華artist。Goa festivalな予感…
TECHNO界からは、2024ultra Japan出演し、beat port2024. テクノ部門で TOPにも輝く自身のradio番組オーガナイズイベントも持つ注目度No. 1のRISA TANIGUCHIが二度目の参戦。 重低音のbeat使いは必見!
また自身でオーガナイズも務め、2024.フジロック出演artistのERIMIYAも二度目の参戦となる。今回初と artistでは都内 Clubで自らオーガナイズを努めるハードテクノの名手partyfishも初参戦!更に大人代表からは、大人の色香を醸しながらGreen Magicやオトギなど全国のRaveでのキャリアを持つABURAが満を持して初参戦!今回、他では見ないplayを演出します。techno artistも豪華line upは大注目です。 ultra Japan2023に出演やあの有名な、it's the ship 2024.出演など海外でも活躍する有名 artist、DALJAE が初play!EDMも取り入れた、テックハウス、メロディックテクノなどSpecialなplayを堪能してください。 更に若手育成にも力を入れて自身もオーガナイズする、あのFLVIO も緊急参戦!豪華必見です。 techno artistも豪華line upに大注目です。
今回新たな視座からSNS、TikTokでTOPを誇る、SNS配信mainの DJ。海外でも活躍していた、元cyber JapanのアミさんがDJ.LEFTYの名の下、今回からSPIRIT LINKの Rsident DJとして起用を決定!皆様応援よろしくお願いします。technoからpsychedelic、 house、なんでも熟す。自身で音も創るオールマイティーな彼女は大注目の1人です。大箱でのplayは初披露!
もう1人は六本木、渋谷の大箱CLUBでレギュラー出演もしていた。PRADA. ARMANI、などHigh brandとコラボし、high-end Hotelでの富裕層に評価も高い。あのDJ EREKAか緊急参戦決定!メロディックな綺麗な音を是非体感して下さい。
SPIRIT LINKは今回も音でfloorを分ず、流れる様な多彩な四つ打ちを各floorで体感して下さい。しかも今回は2フロアどちらもmain floorにて、technoからpsychedelic。psychedelicからtechno。 二つのfloorがLINKする特別な空間、時間を演出致します。
four beat music entertainment showの始まりです。
light of love
〜Love Ascension〜
@CLUB CITTA' @attic
OPEN DOOR:23:00-
MUSIC STOP:06:30…end more。
limited 1,000 People
当日:8,000YEN(CLUB CITTA' +Club attic2フロア往復自由)
●EasyVIP席 80,000YEN(Table chair)
●Over 60years old : 3,000YEN
●Under23years old: 4,000YEN
I.P.U 🇯🇵
DJ E.L.E 🇧🇴🇯🇵
English page
Goa.dark psy trance 17 years after the end of team...ex shinbu...they are starting again as SPIRIT LINK. This is the third SPIRIT LINK. The concept is the light of love... and we will create an ancient Lemuria where high-dimensional light pours down on the entire floor, overflowing with the energy of love and peace, and create a creative space with music, dance, and high-dimensional light. We will create it in collaboration with the best warriors of light. SPIRIT LINK festival as an entertainment show...the third chapter will begin next year.
Psychedelic trance and techno will be one story on one floor. A four beat music entertainment show that creates that space with dancers and audiences. We will restart and create a new movie on YouTube and videos. We are also currently focusing on branding SPIRIT LINK and our LOGO. We will also be selling a limited number of original T-shirts.
This time, we will be holding the event in our hometown Kawasaki, our HOME! This is the third time, and this time it will be held at a club. Moreover, this time it will be held on the 2nd floor. Both will be main floor. You can freely move between Club CITTA on the 1st floor and Club Attic on the 2nd floor! A memorable place where memories were restarted... One of the biggest clubs in Japan... A mecca for psychedelic trance... A place that has established the techno and house scene... It will be held at CLUB CITTA Kawasaki! ! !
This time, Doctor Vagator, an overseas artist who is visiting Japan for the first time, will be participating for the first time from Paris, France! He has lived in Goa for 24 years. Experience the real Goa trance. Also, the world-traveling RINKA DINK will finally participate! From full on to ACID, you can enjoy the leading sound of the psychedelic trance world. Also, TSUYOSHI SUZUKI, who has been leading Japan's Psy trance for many years and represents Japan, will be participating for the second time! His soulful play style is overwhelming. The overwhelming number of sounds will once again fascinate the audience at CITTA. TOMOCOMO, the queen of Goa and the top female artist who also organizes her own event, will be participating for the first time! Her play, which gives off a twisted, ACID vibe, will fascinate the audience. Check it out! I.P.U, who belongs to the German label Alice D Record and DJs mainly overseas, produces music and plays a wide range of music such as Psycore and High Tech, will also be participating for the second time! From the young DJs, we have DJ E.L.E, who is powerful in the Rave.Club scene and has a sincere heart. A DJ who is valued for his humanity and links generations, is a must-see! Even just looking at the Trance artists, he is a gorgeous artist who is amazing. A Goa festival is in the cards...
From the TECHNO world, RISA TANIGUCHI, who is the No. 1 attention-grabber who appeared in 2024ultra Japan and organized her own radio show, which was also ranked TOP in the techno category at beat port 2024, will be participating for the second time. Don't miss the heavy bass beat!
ERIMIYA, who also organizes himself and will be performing at Fuji Rock in 2024, will also be participating for the second time. This time, the first artist to participate will be Partyfish, a master of HeardTECHNO who organizes his own clubs in Tokyo! Furthermore, from the adult representative, ABURA, who has a career in raves nationwide such as Green Magic and Otogi, will be participating for the first time! This time, he will produce a play that you won't see anywhere else. The lineup of techno artists is also attracting a lot of attention. DALJAE, a famous artist who is active overseas, such as appearing at ultraJapan 2023 and the famous it's the ship 2024, will be playing for the first time! Enjoy a special play that incorporates EDM, tech house, melodic techno, etc. In addition, FLAVIO, who is also active in nurturing young artists and has 7 years of experience in organizing and producing events at a certain club, will also be participating in an emergency! It's a luxurious lineup that you must see. Techno artists are also attracting attention for the luxurious lineup.
This time, from a new perspective, a DJ who mainly broadcasts on SNS, boasting a narrow gate A1🌏TOP on SNS and TikTok. Ami, a former member of Cyber Japan, who was also active overseas, has been appointed as the resident DJ of SPIRIT LINK under the name of DJLEFTY from this time. Please support her. She is an all-rounder who creates her own sound, from techno to psychedelic, house, and more. This is her first performance at a big club!
She also regularly appears at big clubs in Shibuya and Roppongi, collaborates with famous brands such as PRADA, ARMANI, and DIESEL, and is a regular DJ at high-end hotels. The famous EREKA has been decided to participate in the event! Please experience the beautiful melodic sound.
This time, SPIRIT LINK will divide the floors by sound, and you can experience the flowing and diverse four-on-the-floor beats on each floor. Moreover, this time, both floors will be on the main floor, and it will be techno or psychedelic. From psychedelic to techno. The two floors will be linked to create a special space and time that no other party team has created.
The four beat music entertainment show is about to begin.
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SPIRIT LINK 2025 Light of Love